In the heart of the bustling Kampala Metropolitan area, the story of Taza-Fasi unfolds, a testament to architectural innovation and a vision brought to life by the visionary trio of Otim Chris Ham, Khaka Marvin Dosaj, and Olaro Paschal. Emerging from the corridors of Kyambogo University as passionate architecture students, the company goes beyond conventional bounds, embodying a vision rooted in innovation, sustainability, and the rich cultural heritage of Uganda and Africa.
Taza-fasi’s journey is marked by a commitment to customer-centric, cost-effective, and sustainable design, evident in their diverse portfolio. Specializing in architectural design, build, and interior design, the company stands out for its pioneering use of cutting-edge visualizations, including transformative virtual reality (VR) experiences.
With a mantra that transcends traditional boundaries, Taza-fasi doesn’t just design spaces; they craft living, breathing experiences. This is a company shaping dreams and redefining spaces, where simplicity harmonizes with functionality, and aesthetics dance with sustainability. Join us in rewriting the narrative of architecture.
Vision statement
To create architecture that blends innovation, sustainability, and cultural aesthetics, uplifting communities and defining an African architectural identity.
MISION statement
To create innovative solutions to suit our customers’ needs while creating social and ecological impact.
Social Impact
Ecological Impact
Customer centric
Co-founder and CEO
Lead Innovation, Research and Development Department